We require students with prior knowledge of the languages taught in our department to take a placement test before enrolling in a course (alc.wisc.edu/languages/placement-tests). All tests are administered by our department either on campus, or by Skype appointment. Contact Rachel Weiss for help with arrangements (rweiss@wisc.edu). Pre-registration is required. For Summer 2020 all placement tests will be conducted remotely.
The Chinese Placement Test is a computer-based test and administered through Canvas and will evaluate students reading, writing, speaking and comprehension. Students have two hours to complete the test. Students will get an email following the review of their test to know what class they may enroll in at UW-Madison.
The Japanese Placement Test is a 30-min appointment with a faculty member one-on-one. Following the evaluation the faculty will discuss what class they may enroll in at UW-Madison.
The Korean Placement Test is a 1-hr appointment with a faculty member one-on-one. Following the evaluation the faculty will discuss what class they may enroll in at UW-Madison.
If you have studied any of the other languages we offer during the academic year (Filipino, Hindi, Hmong, Indonesian, Persian, Thai, Tibetan, Sanskrit, Urdu or Vietnamese) please email the undergraduate advisor for assistance with a language evaluation.