Interested in taking Asian Languages at UW-Madison?
Our department offers excellence in language instruction. We offer the following East Asian Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Among South Asian Languages we offer: Hindi, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Urdu. Multiple Southeast Asian Languages are offered either in classroom instruction or through distance education, including: Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese. Our department also regularly offers Persian language.
Placement Tests
The Department of Asian Languages and Cultures requires that students with any prior knowledge of the languages taught in our department (e.g. Chinese, Japanese and Korean), and who plan to enroll in our language classes, take a placement test before enrolling in a language course.
Background Questionnaire
If you are a student with prior experience in an Asian language (e.g., self-taught, learned in elementary, middle or high school, or learned from family, relatives or friends, etc.), and seek advise about foreign language placement, or continuing with the language of your heritage please fill out this questionnaire in order to receive appropriate advising or guidance.
Retroactive Credits
Please refer to the College of Letters & Science Undergraduate Guide to view the Policies and Regulations for Retroactive Credits ( under Credits –> Credit By Course Examination/Retroactive Credits).
Language Requirements
The foreign language requirement for graduation from UW-Madison varies by School or College please refer to the policies for your home school or college. Requirements are not established by the department.
Advising | Questions
Please reach out to our academic advisor, Rachel Weiss, if you have further questions about enrolling in Asian language courses, reviewing prior experience in the language, or help registering for a placement test.