Questionnaire Language Background Questionnaire The information collected on this form is used only for the purpose of helping the department begin to make determinations about language placement and proficiency. Name* First Last MajorEmail* Student ID numberYear*FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorWhat language are you requesting placement in?*Choose from below...BurmeseChineseFilipinoHindiHmongIndonesianJapaneseKoreanPersianThaiTibetianUrduVietnameseOther South AsianOther South Asian Language Background QuestionsWhat language did you formally study (it is assumed that your medium of instruction in schooling was English)?Which standard(s) did you study this language?Choose all that apply Primary Education (1st-5th) Middle Education (6th-8th) Secondary Education (9th-12th) Did you complete an exam in this language (O level, 10th standard, 12th standard) Yes No Exam Results UploadMax. file size: 24 MB.Please upload documentation of your test results (PDF only)Please include below anything else you'd like us to know about your prior experience in language study.Hindi Background QuestionsTo what degree can you successfully read and write in Devanagari script (Hindi/Marathi/Gujarati)?Please choose from the listOnly recognize alphabetsWords and Simple SentencesParagraphs, news articles, blog entries, poems etc.NoneDid you formally study Hindi in school? Yes No Did you complete an exam in this language (O level, 10th standard, 12th standard) Yes No Exam File UploadMax. file size: 24 MB.Please upload documentation of your test results (PDF only)Please identify the school, location, and curriculum of studies.Are you interested in expanding your knowledge of the Hindi language with courses at UW-Madison? Yes No Please include below anything else you'd like us to know about your interest and background in HindiJapanese Language QuestionsRequested Date & Time for placement test (refer to:*1. When and how long have you studied Japanese?2. How did you study Japanese?3. If you took a Japanese language class, where was it? Yes, explain No 4. If you took a class, how often did the class meet for how long?5. What textbook(s) have you used, until which chapter did you cover?6. If you have taken any Japanese tests such as JLPT, AP, and/or IB, let us know the results.7. Please briefly describe your Japanese abilities in speaking (eg. Can answer simple questions, can carry on a short/extended conversation, etc.):8. Please briefly describe your Japanese abilities in listening (eg. Can understand simple questions, can understand a short/extended conversation, etc.):9. Please briefly describe your Japanese abilities in writing (eg. Can write hiragana/katakana at ease, can write short messages, can write about familiar topics, etc.):10. Please briefly describe your Japanese abilities in reading (eg. Can read hiragana/katakana at ease, can understand short messages, can understand written materials about familiar topics, etc.):11. Which language(s) do you speak with your parents at home?Do you intend to take classes in this language at UW-Madison?*What language or languages are commonly spoken where you were born and raised?*What was the language of instruction when you were in elementary school? Did you study any additional language(s) in elementary school?*What was the language of instruction when you were in middle school? Did you study any additional language(s) in middle school?*What was the language of instruction when you were in high school? Did you study any additional language(s) in high school?*If you studied in the US for middle or high school, please indicate the years you completed (Click all that apply). 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade How many semesters of college-level language classes have you taken? Type N/A if it's not applicable.*Please let us know if you have a specific question or issue that you are seeking advising for regarding languages taught in our department, or about your specific background with these languages.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Placement Tests More Questionnaire More Chinese More Hindi More Hmong More Indonesian More Japanese More Korean More Persian More Sanskrit More Thai More Tibetan More Urdu More Vietnamese More