UW–Madison offers an M.A. and Ph.D. degree in Japanese, specializing either in linguistics or in literature and culture. The program provides broad foundations and focused training in these two specialties, assuring that our graduates are amply prepared to teach and conduct research.
Graduate Program in Japanese Linguistics
The linguistics specialty excels in areas such as functional linguistics, pragmatics, discourse/conversation analysis, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, and language pedagogy.
Graduate Program in Japanese Literature
The literature and culture specialty covers the Heian through Heisei periods, offering a wide range of courses on fiction, poetry, drama, popular culture, visual culture, cinema, acoustic culture, and cutting-edge cross-media and avant-garde topics, particularly manga and anime.
Students are encouraged to reach out to faculty members that match their academic and research interests. All other general questions can be directed to Dr. Tiange Wang, Graduate Program Coordinator.