Advising for Graduate Students

ALC Advising Forms for Faculty and Advisee

The advising form templates for Graduate Students in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures can be downloaded for use: MA / for PhD.

The form should be completed jointly by the student and their co-advisors every semester, by considering

1) what needs to be accomplished in the next several semesters,

2) whether or not the goal for each semester has been met, and

3) whether or not the plans for the following semesters need to be adjusted and how.

  • The department will ask advisor(s) to submit a PDF copy of the updated version of the forms every semester — likely in conjunction with TA/PA assignment survey to be conducted each semester and internal funding competition (fellowship, travel support, etc.).
  • Please make sure to keep updating the forms.
  • These templates are designed in a way to accommodate all programs and tracks administered by the department, but each program/track or each set of advisors/advisee can add any additional details that you think would be helpful for the purpose of clarification of goals and expectations.

ALC or Distributed Minor Form

Students must reach agreement on an appropriate plan of study with an ALC faculty member, who serves as the minor advisor. This agreement must be in place and approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Director of Graduate Studies prior to taking your preliminary examinations.

The minor must consist of at least nine credits of graduate-level work. Students are encouraged to take at least 6 credits of this work in graduate seminars, and no more than 3 credits in undergraduate courses.

ALC or Distributed Minor Agreement Form should be filled out by student, signed by minor advisor, and Director of Graduate Studies.

ALC Graduate Faculty and Co-Advisor Policy

Advisors and co-advisors in ALC may not prevent students from changing advisors. However, when an advising change is proposed, the advisor or co-advisor is encouraged, but not required, to communicate with the Director of Graduate Studies about any concerns in relation to the student’s request to change advisors. Please use the Advisor Change Form when requesting an advisor change.

Reaching Milestones and Processes

MA Exams

  • Review dates and deadline for MA warrant requests.
  • Warrants will not be approved if a student has any incomplete grades, or if they are not enrolled in the term at which they will be awarded a degree.
  • Advisors should submit the warrant request to the Graduate Program Coordinator along with information on date of exam and committee members.
  • Steps to prepare for Commencement.

Preliminary Exams

  • Review dates and deadline for Prelim warrant requests.
  • Warrants will not be approved if a student has any incomplete grades, or if they are not enrolled in the term at which they will be awarded a degree.
  • Advisors should submit the warrant request to the Graduate Program Coordinator along with information on date of exam, committee members, minor. Minor advisor and Department Chair will also sign off on the final warrant.
  • Following preliminary exams, students are considered “dissertators” and begin a 5-year timeline to complete their doctoral defense.

Proposal Defense

  • Proposal committee should be formed consisting of three members who are anticipated to be on the dissertation committee.
  • Proposal should be approved by the end of the following semester after the completion of the preliminary examination.
  • Student must submit a written proposal to the committee.
  • At least 3 committee members should read the written proposal.
  • Student will receive written feedback which may be based on oral feedback from the committee members.
  • Members joining later to the dissertation committee should be provided with the approved written proposal and comments.
  • There is no warrant for this process.

Doctoral Defense

  • Review dates and deadline for Doctoral warrant requests.
  • Warrants will not be approved if a student has any incomplete grades, or if they are not enrolled in the term at which they will be awarded a degree.
  • Advisors should submit the warrant request to the Graduate Program Coordinator along with information on date of exam, committee members, and dissertation title.
  • Make sure to review the Guidelines for Dissertation
  • Steps to prepare for Commencement.