Japanese Ph.D. Degree

Admission to Ph.D. Degree

Only those students whose achievement in the M.A. program is considered superior (as determined by the faculty committee on the basis of the course record and M.A. examination results) are eligible to enter the Ph.D. program. Students applying for the Ph.D. program with an M.A. in Japanese from another institution will be given a qualifying examination during their first year in residence to determine their eligibility for the Ph.D. program.

Ph.D. Degree Requirements

Literature Track

The major course requirements beyond the M.A. level for the literature track are:

EA 653-54 6 cr. History of Classical and Modern Japanese Lit.
EA 3 cr. Research Methods and Source Materials
EA 763 3 cr. Studies in Japanese Literature
EA 953 3 cr. Smr. in Japanese Literature

In addition the student will be required to complete a minor in a cognate field such as Comparative Literature.

Linguistics Track

The requirements for the linguistics track beyond the M.A. partially parallel those of the literature major. In addition the student will be required to complete a minor in a cognate field such as linguistics.

Research Language Requirement

The student in literature will be required to demonstrate reading proficiency in classical Chinese and one Western language. The language requirement can normally be satisfied by two years of formal study at the university level or by passing an appropriate course or examination.

Preliminary Examination

This examination is taken after the candidate has 1) fulfilled the Graduate School minimum credit requirement, 2) satisfied the language requirement, 3) completed all major requirements except dissertation, 4) cleared all incompletes or grades of “P” in non-research courses, and 5) fulfilled the minor requirements.

The literature examination will be comprehensive in scope, covering all periods of Japanese literature as well as the classical and modern languages. Special emphasis will be placed on areas not covered in the student’s M.A. or qualifying examination.

The linguistics examination will be taken in three areas to be chosen in consultation with their advisers.

Dissertator Status

A Dissertator must be continuously registered for three credits each semester until the Ph.D. is obtained. Ordinarily, a Dissertator registers for EA 990, Research or Thesis. Registration must be maintained every semester, regardless of whether the student is performing research on or off campus. In addition, Dissertators who are Research Assistants or who are using university facilities must also register for summer sessions. Failure to satisfy the continuous registration requirement results in tuition penalties as specified by the Graduate School.

Dissertation Proposal

The dissertation proposal will normally be formulated before the preliminary examination occurs. The proposal is subject to the approval of the major professor and the Ph.D. committee. Upon completion of the dissertation, the student must undergo an oral defense of the work.

Ph.D. Minor

Students from other departments intending to take a Ph.D. minor in Japanese should choose a minor Professor from the department or consult the department Chair. For the minor at least 12 credits in graduate standing (400 or above; certain 300 courses are allowable with the prior consent of the department) are required. The department also offers internal minors. Transfer students may offer up to six credits from other institutions; however, they may be required to undergo a special examination.