Join fellow grad students, and Professor Naomi Geyer, for an informal chat over brown-bag lunch.
DGS Chat
Join fellow grad students, and Professor Anatoly Detwyler, for an informal chat over brown-bag lunch.
DGS Chat
Join fellow grad students, and Professor Weihua Zhu, for an informal chat over brown-bag lunch.
DGS Chat
Join fellow grad students, and DGS, Tyrell Haberkorn, for an informal chat over brown-bag lunch.
Language Scholarships Information Session
Our panel of professionals will discuss scholarships designed specifically for language study. Some scholarships cover tuition at UW, while others help with study abroad. Learn about eligibility requirements and the application process for these awards: Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) National …
Study Abroad in Japan Info Session
Thinking about studying abroad in Japan? International Academic Programs (IAP) offers a number of exchange programs in Japan in cooperation with the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC). Join IAP, ALC, and returned students at our …
UW Intensive Chinese Language Study Abroad in China Info Session
Come hear more about this program and ask questions with the Faculty Director, Professor Hongming Zhang, graduate student program leader, Rui Wang, and returned students from UW! With UW Intensive Chinese Language, you could earn up …
JET Program Info Session
Internships in Japan ((info session))
Please join Michelle Kern Hall (interim director) for information on internships through International Internship Program office in Japan. Review of opportunities, best practices for application, etc.
Department Committee Meeting
Join department chair, faculty, staff and grad student reps for a montly meeting.