New Graduate Student Orientation
New ALC graduate students should plan to attend the ALC New Graduate Student Orientation on September 9th in room 1820 Van Hise from 1:00-2:00pm. The orientation will be presented by the Director of Graduate Studies …
Study Abroad in Japan Info Session
International Academic Programs (IAP) offers a number of exchange programs in Japan in cooperation with the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC). All of these programs include Japanese language coursework, as well as a mix …
Boren Undergraduate Scholarship Information Session
The Boren Scholarship provides funding for US students planning to study abroad in world regions critical to US interests, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East (the countries …
Lecture: Visions of Patañjali as a Nāga, Siddha and Sage
In this talk Dr. Buhnemann will trace the development of Patañjali’s iconography, starting with early representations as a two-armed half-human half-serpentine devotee of Śiva in the tradition of the Naṭarāja Temple at Cidambaram in Tamilnadu, …
CEAS Wednesday Lecture Series: Figuring on Salvation: Daoist Scrolls, Saving Souls, and the Demonic Savior Wang Lingguan at the Ming Court
FLAS (Foreign Language Area Studies) Fellowship Info Session
FLAS fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the UW’s National Resource Centers to assist students in acquiring foreign language and either area or international studies competencies. FLAS awards are …
ALC Department Retreat
The departmental meeting determined that it is best for the department to schedule a one-day retreat to discuss some critical matters associated with the future operation of our department and academic programs. We sincerely hope everyone can …
ALC Department End-of-Semester-Gathering
The ALC End-of-Semester Gathering is scheduled for Friday, December 9th from 2-4 pm (with welcoming words starting around 2.30 pm) in 1840 Van Hise Hall. We will be ordering some food items (Samosa, Pad Thai, …
Lecture: The Efficacy of Pragmatics-Informed Instruction: a Case of Teaching the Korean Verb Ending -ney
This research study compared two instructional approaches to teaching a Korean verb ending (i.e., -ney). These instructional approaches differ in terms of their respective emphases on target form’s semantic and pragmatic meanings. In the first …