Eunsil Oh

Credentials: Assistant Professor of Korean Sociology


Phone: (608) 263-7422

7109 Sewell Social Sciences
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:30-4:30, Thursday 3:00-4:30

PhD, Sociology, Harvard University (2018)

Research Interests
Three key words of my research are gender, work, and family. As a qualitative sociologist, my research aims to explore key themes in women’s narratives of their early work lives and family decisions and discover the underlying social and cultural forces that shape these decisions.

Gender, Work, and Family in East Asia

Introduction to Sociology of Gender

Social Change in Contemporary Korea

Selected Publications
Brinton, Mary and Eunsil Oh. 2019. “Babies, Work, or Both? Highly Educated Women’s Employment and Fertility in East Asia.” American Journal of Sociology. Volume 125 issue1, page(s): 105-140.

Oh, Eunsil. 2018. “Who Deserves to Work? How Women Develop Expectations of Childcare Support in Korea.” Gender & Society. Volume: 32 issue: 4, page(s): 493-515.