Naomi McGloin
Credentials: Japanese Linguistics
Ph.D. University of Michigan

Professor McGloin taught Japanese language and linguistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for over 40 years. Her major publications include An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese (co-authored with Akira Miura, The Japan Times), A Students’ Guide to Japanese Grammar (Taishukan), Aspects of Japanese Women’s Language (co-edited with Sachiko Ide, Kurosio), Negation in Japanese (Boreal Scholarly Publishers—formerly, Linguistic Research). Her research interest is in the area of cognitive functional linguistics and discourse analysis. Her more recent articles have focused on analyzing certain linguistic expressions using actual conversational data. She served as President of the Association of Teachers of Japanese, 2004-07.
“I first came to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to study linguistics. While I was at the University of Michigan, I had an opportunity to teach Japanese. It was the early 1970’s, and I was extremely fortunate to work with pioneers in Japanese language teaching in the U.S. After I came to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1976, I was fortunate to work with another pioneer in the field— Professor Akira Miura. The textbook I co-authored with Professor Miura, An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese, has been very successful: it is now in its 41st printing. At UW-Madison, I have been able to combine my interests in Japanese linguistics and Japanese language teaching, and I have enjoyed teaching and conducting research on this campus very much. Over the years, I have been blessed with dedicated graduate students and enthusiastic undergraduate students. Many of the graduate students are actively engaged in teaching and/or research of the Japanese language both in the U.S. and abroad, and it is wonderful to see them grow both professionally and personally.”