Kevin Meehan
Major(s) and Certificate(s):
Chinese and International Relations
Graduation Year:
Current city:
Current state/province/country (if outside US):
What have you done since graduating from UW-Madison?:
Lived in China for 10 years after graduating working primarily in the automotive industry. Upon returning to the US, I worked for Apple in Cupertino for 2 years before returning to graduate school where I am pursuing an M.A. in International Environmental Policy.
What motivated you to study this/these languages?:
I first visited China in high school and from there developed a deep connection and passion for China.
How have these languages enriched your life?:
Chinese helped me live and work in China for 10 years.
What do you remember about your UW language classes? How were they different from other classes you took?:
I remember them be very small by the time of my senior year.
How valuable were your out-of-classroom experiences?:
I spent one year in Beijing at Peking University – it was a great, rewarding experience.
How have you maintained or improved your language(s) since graduation?:
After graduation I lived and worked in China.
What advice do you have for current language students?:
Study and live abroad, immerse yourself in the culture and life.