Miki Chase
Credentials: Śrī Anantnāth Endowed Chair in Jain Studies
Position title: Assistant Professor of South Asian Studies
Email: mochase@wisc.edu
Website: Jain Studies
Phone: (608) 265-8583
1246 Van Hise Hall
PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Anthropology (2022)
MA, Johns Hopkins University, Anthropology (2018)
Miki Chase is Assistant Professor in South Asian Studies and holds the Śrī Anantnāth Endowed Chair in Jain Studies. Her research and teaching focuses on intersections of religion, law, and gender in questions of care around death and dying in India, with a specific focus on Jainism.
Miki received her PhD from the Department of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University, and her doctoral work received the Mohini Jain Presidential Chair in Jain Studies Best Dissertation Prize (2024). Her research focuses on the contemporary practice of the legally contested Jain voluntary ritual fast until death known variably as sallekhanā, santhāra, or samādhi-maraṇa, examining how lay Jains reconcile ideals and concepts outlined in scripture with the interreligious pressures of urban life and modernization of death, foregrounding the centrality of women’s moral subjectivities in such negotiations. Her research has been funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and the American Institute for Indian Studies (AIIS), including the Rachel F. and Scott McDermott Junior Research Fellowship. Her book in progress is tentatively titled The Ambiguity of the Vow: Law, Kinship, and Gender in Pathologizing the Jain Fast Until Death.
Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Miki was Bhagwan Munisuvrata Swami Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Religion at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her work has addressed issues such as end-of-life and palliative care, feminist perspectives on gender and voice in the family, and communal politics in law and the digital sphere. She has lectured for courses in religious studies, anthropology of religion, medical anthropology, and public health, as well as the International School for Jain Studies (ISSJS).
Miki is affiliate faculty with the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, the Department of Anthropology, the Religious Studies Program, and the Center for South Asia.
India, South Asia, ethnographic methods, anthropology of religion, Jainism, medical anthropology, legal anthropology, feminist critical scholarship, (bio)ethics, biopolitics, death and dying, palliative and hospice care, suicide, asceticism, gender, agency, kinship
Spring 2025 Courses:
ASIAN 301: Anthropology of South Asia
ASIAN 300: Animal Ethics in Asia
Other Courses:
ASIAN 252: Contemporary Indian Society
ASIAN 303: Jainism: Religion & Culture of Nonviolence