ASIAN 301: Gender Work Family: East Asia, Professor Eunsil Oh (ALC/Sociology)
ASIAN 307: A Survey of Tibetan Buddhism, Jampa Khedup (ALC)
ASIAN 308: Introduction to Buddhism, Professor Anne Hansen (History)
ASIAN 319: The Vietnam Wars, Professor Alfred McCoy (History)
ASIAN 335: The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century, Professor Charles Kim (History)
ASIAN 351: Survey of Classical Chinese Literature, TBC
ASIAN 354: Early Modern Japanese Literature, Professor Adam Kern (ALC)
ASIAN 375: Survey of Chinese Film, Professor Anatoly Detwyler (ALC)
ASIAN 378: Anime, Professor Steve Ridgely (ALC)
ASIAN 379: Cities of Asia, Professor Preeti Chopra (Art History)
ASIAN 432: Chinese Linguistics II, Professor Weihua Zhu (ALC)
ASIAN 434: Introduction to Japanese Linguistics, Professor Junko Mori (ALC)
ASIAN 473: Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism, Professor Gudrun Buhnemann (ALC)
ASIAN 533: Readings in Early Modern Japanese Literature, Professor Adam Kern (ALC)
ASIAN 600: Capstone Seminar In Asian Humanities: Japanese Ghost Stories, Professor Charo D’Etcheverry (ALC)
ASIAN 621: Mapping, Making, and Representing Colonial Spaces, Professor Preeti Chopra (Art History)
ASIAN 630: Proseminar: Studies in Cultures of Asia: Gender Work Family: East Asia, Professor Eunsil Oh (ALC/Sociology)
Courses by affiliate faculty:
ANTHRO 310: Archaeology of East and Southeast Asia, 3cr (N. Kim, Anthropology)
ANTHRO 357: Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan, 3-4cr (E. Ohnuki-Tierney, Anthropology)
ECON 390 (LEC 002): The Chinese Economy (Econ 101 or 111 required), 3cr (S. Chan, Economics)
ED POL 150: Education in East Asia, 3cr (R. Liu, Education Policy Study)
GEOG 340: World Regions in Global Context, 3cr (K. Olds, Geography)
HIST 500: Chinese Law and Society, 3cr (J. Dennis, History)
HIST 600: Empire & Revolution in Southeast Asia, 3 cr. (A. McCoy, History)