Teresa Görtz
Credentials: Chinese Literature & Culture, PhD
Email: goertz2@wisc.edu
Digital Humanities Certificate, University of California, Berkeley (2019)
M.A., Chinese, University of Wisconsin, Madison (2017)
B.A., American Studies, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany (2016)
M.A., Sinology, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany (2015)
B.A., Sinology, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany (2014)

Before joining ALC at UW-Madison, I completed undergraduate and graduate programs in Sinology in Germany. For my research here at UW-Madison I am interested in literature of the strange from the Ming and Qing periods. In my dissertation on 18th century zhiguai (records of the strange), I apply computational text analysis with Python and geospatial analysis with QGIS to support my reading of Yuan Mei’s collection Zibuyu (What Confucius Would Not Discuss) in both content and form as an expression of Yuan Mei’s opposition to the practice of kaozheng (evidential research) dominant in eighteenth-century China.
During the academic year 2018-2019, I have worked as Project Assistant for Professor Rania Huntington supporting her research on the mapping of late Ming zhiguai collections.
As Teaching Assistant I have worked at ALC, UW-Madison since Fall 2017:
– EA 351 Survey of Chinese Literature with Prof. Rania Huntington, 2017
– EA 255 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations with Prof. Steve Ridgely, 2018
– ASIALANG 101 and 102 First and Second Semester Chinese with Dr. Tianlu Zhang, 2019-2020
– ASIAN 236 Asia Enchanted: Gods, Ghosts, Monsters with Prof. Charo D’Etcheverry, 2020
– ASIAN 255 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations with Prof. Anatoly Detwyler, 2021
As Graduate Student Lecturer I have independently taught a four-week 2020 Summer Session course titled “Digitizing Ghosts of Zhiguai” and will teach independently a four-week 2021 Summer Session on Chinese literature titled “Victims and Villains”.