Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and one of the officially recognized languages of India. Urdu is also spoken by large communities in the Middle East, North America, Europe, and Australia. By studying Urdu, you will be able to communicate with Urdu and Hindi speakers in South Asia and throughout the world. The Bollywood film industry of India is the largest producer of films in the world, releasing hundreds every year. Their films and songs are popular among South Asian communities and throughout the world. Urdu is on the list of critical languages compiled by the U.S. State Department. To meet the need for Urdu speakers in the United States, the State Department, among other agencies and institutions, offers competitive scholarships for language study and travel abroad for students of Urdu.
Hindi-Urdu Language Table
Spring 2022: Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am
Join Zoom Meeting: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/98831909403?pwd=NVQ0aUtIYlBtQkh4ajBuenR0cmFYdz09
Meeting ID: 988 3190 9403
Passcode 340807
Contact: Farooq Asif, mfasif@wisc.edu
Rachel Weiss, rweiss@wisc.edu
Study Abroad
Contact International Academic Programs for more information.
Student Organizations
Browse the Wisconsin Involvement Network for more information.
Consider an internship where you can use Urdu, either in the US or abroad. An internship in any field can complement your language study and can provide valuable professional experience.