Course Offerings
First Year
EA105/325* First Semestere Korean (Fall)
EA106/326* Second Semester Korean (Spring)
Second Year
EA345 Third Semester Korean (Fall)
EA346 Fourth Semester Korean (Spring)
Third Year
EA347 Fifth Semester Korean (Fall)
EA348 Sixth Semester Korean (Spring)
Fourth Year
EA405 Seventh Semester Korean (Fall)
EA406 Eighth Semester Korean (Spring)
(*EA105/106 for undergradaute students; EA325/326 for graduate students only)
Learning Outcomes (based on NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements):
1) First Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that they have practiced and memorized.
- Speaking: Students can present information about themselves and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
- Writing: Students can write lists and memorized phrases on familiar topics.
- Listening: Students can recognize some familiar words and phrases when they hear them spoken.
- Reading: Students can recognize some letters or characters. They can understand some learned or memorized words and phrases when they read.
2) Second Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized languages. Students can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situation by asking and answering simple questions.
- Speaking: Students can present basic information on familiar topics using language they have practiced using phrases and simple sentences.
- Writing: Students can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life.
- Listening: Students often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. They can also recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said.
- Reading: Students can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. They can sometimes understand the main idea of what they have read.
3) Third Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentences. They can handle short social interactions in everyday situation by asking and answering simple questions.
- Speaking: Students can present information on most familiar topics using a series of simple sentences.
- Writing: Students can write briefly about most familiar topics and present information using a series of simple sentences.
- Listening: Students can understand the main idea in short, simple messages and presentations on familiar topics. They can understand the main idea of simple conversations that they hear.
- Reading: Students can understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topic is familiar.
4) Fourth Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can participate in conversations on familiar topics using sentences and series of sentences. They can handle social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering a variety of questions. They can usually say what they want to say about themselves and their everyday life.
- Speaking: Students can make presentations on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
- Writing: Students can write on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
- Listening: Students can understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and studies. They can understand the main idea in conversations that they overhear.
- Reading: Students can understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life and personal interests and studies.
5) Fifth Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can participate with ease and confidence in conversations on familiar topics. They can usually talk about events and experiences in various time frames.
- Speaking: Students can make presentations in a generally organized way on school, work, and community topics, and on topics they have researched.
- Writing: Students can write on topics related to school, work, and community in a generally organized way.
- Listening: Students can easily understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and studies.
- Reading: Students can easily understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life, personal interests, and studies.
6) Sixth Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can usually describe people, places, and things. They can handle social interactions in everyday situations, sometimes even when there is an unexpected complication.
- Speaking: Students make presentations on some events and experiences in various time frames.
- Writing: Students can write some simple paragraphs about events and experiences in various time frames.
- Listening: Students can usually understand a few details of what they overhear in conversations, even when something unexpected is expressed. They can sometimes following what they hear about events and experiences in various time frames.
- Reading: Students can sometimes follow stories and descriptions about events and experiences in various time frames.
7) Seventh Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can express themselves fully not only on familiar topics but also on some concrete social, academic, and professional topics. They can talk in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames.
- Speaking: Students can deliver well-organized presentations on concrete social, academic, and professional topics.
- Writing: Students can write on a wide variety of general interest, professional, and academic topics.
- Listening: Students can understand the main idea and most supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interests, as well as some topics of professional interest.
- Reading: Students can understand the main idea and most supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interests, as well as some topics of professional interest.
8) Eighth Semester Korean – At the end of the semester:
- Interpersonal communication: Students can confidently handle routine situations with unexpected complication. They can share their point of view in discussions on some complex issues.
- Speaking: Students can present detailed information about events and experiences in various time frames.
- Writing: Students can write well-organized, detailed paragraphs in various time frames.
- Listening: Students can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various time frames. They can understand information presented in most genres, even when not familiar with the topic.
- Reading: Students can follow stories and descriptions of considerable length and in various time frames. They can understand texts written in a variety of genres, even when they are not familiar with the topic.
KLP Teaching Assistants (Fall 2018):
- Head TA Instructor: Ms. Jaerin Ahn (
- First Semester Korean: Ms. Juri Choi ( & Ms. Jihye Yun (
- Third Semeser Korean: Mr.Seungyop Shin (
- Fifth Semester Korean: Mr. Jaekwan Yum (
- Seventh Semester Korean: Mr. Sunghak Kim (
General Questions? Please contact Prof. Byung-jin Lim ( “Thank you very much!”