The department has modest funds to offer travel grants for prospective students who are members of an underrepresented population of students to visit UW-Madison campus and to meet our faculty, staff, and graduate students.
The travel grant covers airfare (domestic, round trip), ground transportation, accommodation in Madison, and meals. During the one to two-day visit, prospective students will have a chance to take a campus tour, meet with staff, and graduate students in the department, visit classes to learn more about our graduate programs and to discuss their academic interests with faculty.
To be considered for this travel grant, students must be United States citizens or Permanent Residents, of a Targeted Minority community (African American or Black, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Hispanic/Latino, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, or Hmong, Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander), identifies as Economically disadvantaged, or a McNair Student.
If you consider yourself eligible, please send 1) your statement of interest (2 pages); 2) transcript; 3) document to verify your eligibility; and 4) two names of academic reference and their contact information to the Director Graduate Studies. Deadline: TBC
Shortly after the deadline, the finalists will be notified and the department will work with them to make travel arrangements for campus visit to be scheduled later in the fall semester (until mid December), or during the spring semester (late January to mid May).